How to prep for summer travel - Mercado Global Insurance

It’s never too late for summer travels. But before you book your trip and pack your bags, take extra precaution. The tridemic is here; the triple threat of influenza, Covid-19 and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). All 3 are respiratory diseases. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declared that respiratory infections are a leading cause for seeking medical care among returning travelers. So if you want to travel safe and healthy this summer, read on.

Pack your mask

Worried about wearing a face mask throughout your travels? Fret not. The CDC advices wearing a mask given the following circumstances:

  • You are in crowded or tight spaces with poor ventilation like airport jetways, airplanes when the ventilation system is off, seaports, or when in close-contact situations like on a train or bus.
  • There are high levels of respiratory disease at your travel destination or in the community you are traveling through.
  • You or someone you have close contact with has a weakened immune system or are at increased risk for severe illness.
  • You are sick or experiencing symptoms of a respiratory illness (although it is better to delay travel if you are sick).
  • You were exposed to a person with COVID-19 in the last 10 days.

Sanitize on the go

Holding handrails. Touching elevator buttons. Handling currency. The list goes on when it comes to getting in contact with surfaces teeming with germs. Quite inevitable when you’re traveling.  While handwashing gets rid of all kinds of germs, a hand sanitizer is your next best alternative. The CDC recommends a sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Make sure you have one in your carry-on bag. TSA, however, does not allow flammable aerosols in your carry-on. To be safe, choose a gel type sanitizer instead. It should also be in a 3.4 ounce (100 ml) container or smaller size container as per TSA rules.

Choose private accommodation

Who doesn’t enjoy the luxury and convenience of hotel stays? But with crowded common areas like lobbies, restaurants and elevators, and equipment shared and reused by visitors, the risk of exposure is high. Whether you’ve been vaccinated or not, choose a more private accommodation. Be it an entire home or apartment or bed and breakfast. What’s more, staying in a guest house gives you the unique experience of living like a local.

Store emergency services numbers

Before getting to your destination, look up the emergency services number. Also look up the number of your country’s nearest embassy. Save them on your phone for quick and easy access.

Insure your trip

You might think of it as unnecessary expense. But when things go awry due to injury, illness, lost luggage, flight cancellation or delays – you’ll be thankful you’re covered by your travel insurance. To know how this works and what types of coverage you can get, call Mercado Global’s insurance agents. We’re here to help you plan a safe and healthy summer travel.