Why buy life insurance in December? - Mercado Global Insurance

No matter how or where you shop for gifts for your loved ones, don’t you wish you could give something more meaningful? You can with the gift of life insurance. December is the perfect time to get one. Here are a few reasons why.

The season of giving

In the season of giving, our gifts are our best expressions of love and concern for others. When it comes to family that love extends far beyond the present. We care about their future. What concerns us most is when we may no longer be with them. To prepare your family for life’s unexpected turns, make sure they’re financially protected. Life insurance provides your loved ones the financial security they need when you’re gone.  Your life insurance’s payout (death benefit) can help your survivors shoulder funeral expenses, day-to-day expenses or cover your outstanding debts. Indeed, the gift of life insurance tells your family that you continue to provide for them even when you’re not around.

The season for resolutions

The last month of year often inspires us to set new year goals. According to a Forbes Health/One Poll survey (1000 US adults, conducted October 2023) the top 3 New Year’s Resolutions for 2024 are improved fitness (48%), improved finance (38%) and improved mental health (36%).

Make life insurance part of your new year’s resolution and you’ll be hitting two goals with one commitment. Why? Because when you invest in life insurance, you get to improve your finances And, with the financial security and peace of mind life insurance brings, it could help your mental health as well.

Travel plan substitute

In its midyear travel advice, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared “While the emergency of COVID-19 is over, COVID-19 is not, and the virus is circulating in all countries. It’s important to know your health status and what this means for you in terms of the risks of COVID-19 when planning for travel.“  If pronouncements like this make you think twice about  your travel plans for the year, well, good for you! And better still for your finances! Because now you can channel your travel funds and put it into better use. Invest in life insurance and give your family the protection they need against life’s uncertainties.

Source: World Health Organization

Find out what type of life insurance best fit your family’s needs and your budget. Talk to Mercado Global Insurance Brokers and we’ll guide you in making the right choice so you can start the new year with confidence and security whatever the future brings.